
Blog List

8pcs RGB 100W Laser Programming

Programming for RGB 100W outdoor laser projector - synchronous lyrics & graphics

50pcs RGB 40W Lasers Shipped

40W is strong enough to make projection to mountain or sky. Your order is welcome

26pcs RGB40W Lasers Light Effect

26pcs RGB40W lasers by the river to celebrate Chinese new year 2023.

8pcs RGB40W Working At -34°C

At such cold temperature -34°C, 8pcs RGB40W lasers started this project.

6pcs RGB 30W Laser Mapping Effect

6pcs IP65 waterproof RGB 30W lasers project - laser mapping effect test

10pcs RGB 40W Lasers Light Effect

10pcs IP65 waterproof RGB 40W lasers project at a scenic spot - installation & test

18pcs RGB 30W Lasers Light Effect

18pcs IP65 waterproof RGB 30W laser light effect during aging test

RGB 10W Waterproof Outdoor Effect

RGB 10W waterproof laser installed on Julong Mountain, Shenzhen China

RGB 80W Lasers On Olympic Opening

32pcs RGB 80W lasers' special effect on the Olympic Beijing 2022 opening ceremony

12pcs RGB40W Waterproof Lasers

12pcs RGB 40W waterproof outdoor laser projectors ready to ship, do you like them?

22pcs RGB 40W Outdoor Effect

2022 New Year Concert Of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was held on

Laser Worked Well At -30°C !

Golden Star laser RGB 35W working at an extremely cold temperature -30°C in Heihe